Saturday 3 September 2016

Brave Mummy - painting

My newest interest is brush lettering - either with a brush-tip pen, or an actual paintbrush. I want to be really good at it, so I am practicing a lot.  Any time I get a chance I'm lettering, lettering, lettering.

So, of course, when Mummy gets the watercolours out, other people are interested  (my mother warned me about that - I did the same to her.  And she provided for and encouraged me, which I appreciate!)


Funny how the water goes that colour very quickly when a small person is involved.

 I managed to catch that bowl of water before just before it left the artist's hands.

Over the other side of the table, with a bowl of water that still hadn't turned to mud, this detailed piece of art was being worked on.

I've seen lots of advice over the years about doing art with children - what materials to use and how to go about it.    My best advice is don't buy cheap materials - don't have an expected outcome - try to have fun. xxx

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